Monday, November 28, 2011

Old school removalists

The old school removalist is almost extinct now. Yes yet another article about how this industry is changing. I guess if feel like someone has to say something. Is service in general a thing of the past. Removalists these days have no idea what a removalist is. They think they are removalists ! Totally convinced of it. Ask them who trained them and they will say proudly "i trained myself". They don't' need anyone to tell them how to lift furniture right. The truth is that there are so so many skills required to be a good removalist. The biggest single skill a good removalist is in fact to be firstly a good truck driver ! Say what ? ! Truck driver yes , crashing trucks is the easiest thing to do. It IS very easy to drive a truck, but can you drive one for years on end with crashing it ? Well thats a skill that some people will never be able to achieve. The type of person who has a sense of awareness, what is going on around me ? Where could the next accident happen ? How do I do this safer ? How do i get my offsider to do this safer ?. This is a constant condition of a good removalist. Always looking around the corner and turning his head from side to side looking behind him as he walks backwards. I can tell a good removalist by the way he walks you know. Back straight walking backwards turning his head constantly.
So what are the odds you are going to get a good removalist ? Do you remember what a removalist is ? Ask you father he will know !

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